For my first entry I have been agonizing over what I should write about and it has taken me sometime to figure it out. It hit me tonight or morning depending on how you look at it. Forgiveness. This is something that many people cant seem to accept or give. Forgiveness is one of the hardest things on this earth to do. Whether its giving it or even receiving it. I believe the hardest part is forgiving yourself. Many people dont realize that when something happens within their life its imperative to forgive themselves. We blame ourselves for putting ourselves in positions that caused pain to ourselves or others close to us. I have gone through things in my life of which I blamed myself either I wasnt strong enough or I didnt speak up for myself when warranted. I had to come to the realization that if I didnt forgive myself I would do more damage than good. Contrary to popular belief forgiveness is more for you than it is for the other person or persons who may have wronged you. You cant grow if you are stunted by the thoughts and memories of your past that have caused you hurt. The way to grow and get better whether its emotionally or even physically you have to forgive others and yourself. Not for them but for yourself. Holding onto pain and stress can manifest itself within your life whether or not its emotional or physical it can cause harm. In relationships or within your health. You dont have to be face to face with the person who caused you harm you can say it while looking at a mirror or sitting in quiet room. Say I forgive you for what you have done but I will no longer allow you or what happen to continue to keep a hold on me and my life. I forgive myself so that I can move on and be happy. I hold no more harmful feelings towards myself or others. You are worth more than what you've been through and no matter what has happened in your life you can make it. If you are reading this you are already half way there. Now this may not be an immediate thing but over time you should feel better about yourself. Just know you are wonderfully and fearfully made. Your mistakes do not define you but how you recover from your situation makes all the difference. Love and forgive yourself . It may be harder than just reading this message but you have to start somewhere find someone you trust to talk out somethings
(find someone you know wont tell all your business) or even write it out. Forgiveness is not easy to give and its not easy to recieve because once forgiveness is given and recieved you have to make sure that what you are being forgiven for or giving forgivenss you dont repeat it . You have a responsibility to yourself not to repeat the same offense again. Be happy, love more live longer!
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